Tuesday, 25 December 2012


Doesn’t the walk of faith appear to be inflicted with paradoxes? Well, I can only speak for myself. I am certain that I did not maintain consistency in my walk of faith this year. My faith advances for a season, then retreats the next. I was ambitious for a season, then relaxed; aggressive, then passive; giving, and then taking.  In a simple word, my faith was inconsistent, yet, God remains faithful to me.
As positive and negative wires generate the power of electricity, so is faith, negatives are used with positives to create mountain-moving energy for the believer, which means that, whenever my faith is weak, God is there to make me strong.

Faith is pacing your progress. The challenges come in knowing: when to push forward, when to hold back; when to dig in; when to yield; when to hold on, and when to let go.
When you walk the walk of faith, you are assured of the divine guidance to make the right move, in the right way, at the right time.

When you kneel before the throne of the Almighty God in humility and cry out, “I need the wisdom of heaven to walk this walk of faith,” you reach the level of faith where contradictions become constructive; paradoxes become truth.

So keep trusting God to give you His sense of timing so that you can change your pace to win the race of life in 2013.

This is the season of faith in Christ and in God Almighty. Seize the moment and turn your paradoxes to reality.


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