Friday, 30 June 2017


Warning: this piece may not make sense to readers who are not familiar with bible stories.

Noah built the ark by faith but, he used measurements. That means there is a place for rational thinking in our walk of faith, and not all decisions should be made with blind hope! 

Sarah's pregnancy was a miracle, but it took nine months just like any other woman would carry her pregnancy. That means God's plans do not negate the importance of process. You need to wait or work it out.

The stone that killed Goliath might have been anointed, but David's skill was also involved. Making efforts to developing your skills does not mean you are not anointed. For example, if you play a piano, play it to the fullest. Don't take your audience through the agony of listening to your cacophony in the name of "singing to the Lord".
Skills are important. There is nothing rude with telling that brother /sister "you can't sing, find something else to do in the house of God".

Esther received favour to become a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus, but she also bathed and prepared her appearance. That shows that preparation is vital to becoming fit for the occasion.  You need to make yourself ready for your expectations. For instance, get knowledge, go to school. Stop blaming others for your failures because you did not prepare for the opportunity you’ve been expecting your whole life.

Queen Esther (1879) by Edwin Long

The Promised Land was full of milk and honey, but they also had to plow, feed cattle, and take care of sheep. Miracles are communication tools that God uses to instil trust, faith and the knowledge of his nature. You need to work, don't expect miracles in a specific area of your life all the time. No one pays rent for a full year with miracle money. We need it, we want it, but God wants what is permanent meaning you must work to earn a living. Stop hoping for miracle for everything, even what you can do with your own hands.

Ruth received favour to marry Boaz in the bible, but the coaching of Naomi was necessary. Human coaching is necessary, you need to submit and learn from someone. It will spare you from silly mistakes.
